What’s it like starting a new job during lockdown?

A huge welcome to our six new Kaizeners who’ve joined us during the past few months of the UK’s lockdown. Welcome to – from top left across:
- Andy Nottingham – Information Security Manager
- Shirley Lau – UI/UX Designer
- Nicolas Dotto – Software Engineer
- Costandia Josif – Sales and Onboarding Specialist
- Yiesse Bading – Sales and Onboarding Specialist
- Karolina Kondzielewska – Senior Software Test Engineer.
We asked three of our new joiners – Shirley, Yiesse and Costandia – what it’s been like starting a new job when you haven’t even met your new teammates, or in some cases your manager, face-to-face.
How challenging has it been to start a new job during lockdown?
Shirley: It hasn’t been too challenging as I think everyone at Kaizen has really put in the extra effort, whether it is reaching out to me to ask if I need anything or just a casual chat. So I’ve been really lucky to have new supportive colleagues.
Yiesse: I didn’t really know what to expect in terms of being onboarded remotely. But my onboarding was well structured and organised; my work is also planned through my daily meetings and I had different individual and group video calls which made things much easier than I thought.
Costandia: Surprisingly enough, I have not found starting a new job remotely as challenging as expected. It is difficult not having that human interaction of course, however video calling does the job and we can carry on building these relationships when we are finally allowed to meet in person. As an employer Kaizen has made sure I have everything I need to work effectively and comfortably from home.
What have you learned and what advice would you give others who might be starting a new job under similar circumstances?
Shirley: Working from home is always challenging as it is easy to get distracted or have work time quickly run into your evenings but I have worked from home before and find it much more productive when you are disciplined and keep to a set working period and time slots for breaks. I’ve also learnt to not be afraid to reach out and have a chat with colleagues outside of the direct team. I think having daily stand ups gives a great insight on what everyone is working on.
Yiesse: Through this experience I learnt that a company’s atmosphere is detectable despite not being able to be in the office or meet in person. Through the different video calls and messages I could feel the warm welcome of my colleagues. My advice to anyone starting a new position under the same circumstances is to be open, to not hesitate to ask questions and to share your thoughts.
Costandia: Life can change at any time so being able to adapt is really important. Try to find little positives every day such as being able to wear your PJs to work or having the company of your two little French bulldogs. From somebody who comes from a busy and loud Greek household – don’t let the background noise distract you or make you feel uncomfortable whilst on a call as everyone is in the same boat. Starting a new job from home actually takes away the overwhelming feeling of having to meet so many people all at once! Just embrace it and make of it what you can.
To find out more about our brilliant staff members please visit our Meet the Team page.