How was it for you? Take our survey on the EMIR RTS changes

It’s a year since the revision to the EMIR Reporting Technical Standards (RTS) went live*. The resulting changes were fundamental including a significant increase in the number of reportable fields (from 85 to 129), significant changes to taxonomies, and additional asset class specific fields. Many participants struggled with implementation, particularly as there were competing compliance projects, including preparation for MiFID II transaction reporting, on-going at the same time.
We’re a nosy bunch at Kaizen and we would love to hear your views on last year’s EMIR RTS changes and how valuable you feel the data is to the regulators. Please head over to our short survey to have your say. All responses are anonymous.
*OK, the trade repositories implemented the changes on the Monday, but technically they were intended for implementation on 1 November 2017.